Wednesday, April 09, 2008


So had English class last night and it was torture.
I did get my poetry explication done but no research paper. I did have an outline though so I'm good.
It was peer editing night... need I say more?
I love being able to help people out, reading papers is not a big deal making a few marks and suggestions here and there, but reading 20 something papers ranging from 1 to 7 pages each, Ow!
I was reading and I thought "Really?, are you really thinking about turning this in? There is no paragraphs it is just one giant run-on sentence, Yes you need punctuation, No every sentence can not start with the same word, yes there is spelled correctly however you mean their, Can I get some chronological order here?, We have an outline for this paper....whadda ya think about using it?, The war in America today has absolutely nothing to do with oranges in Britain!!! WHAT? No you can not plagiarize someones work".....etc.
Normally I would not judge and be critical of other people but COME ON BECKY! This is college. So if it was just a few papers it may have been funny "Hahaha oops you forgot your quotes"
I developed a headache it was not pretty.
Some of the papers were really good just needed a tweaking here and there, that is what I expected for peer editing, just some tweaking.
I sound like a hag, really I'm not I just want people to actually put forth an effort before they bombard people with junk!


Cari said...

I really dislike stupid and lazy people...

Kris Sorensen said...

Kind of that thing annoying very be me think.

--V-- said...

Amen sister. Welcome to my world. It's even more frustrating when you have to figure out how in the world to give grades to papers that make absolutely no sense. What a good time :(

Keym said...

Cari-So true sister!
Kris-I may have graded your paper :0p
-V-Don't give them ANY grade! Grades are earned ya know :0)