Saturday, April 05, 2008

So it was time for Nathan and I to upgrade our cell phones. Nathan opted for a black chocolate because it was free for him. I have really been wanting the new LG Envy in orange but it was $50.00 if I upgraded last week. I decided to wait because maybe a better deal would come along. And `Voila it did! I checked one week later and lo and behold the LG Envy in Orange was FREE!
I did not let my greed get the best of me, I waited and let God sort it out. So now thanks to waiting I scored a super sweet phone for free! It doesn't get much better than that.
Now I know that this is a fun silly example of things God does for us but just think, he helped me score a great phone for nothing except my patience. If he takes the time to do something that simple what is in store for us if we really do wait and put all things in God's hands?


Nathan said...

!!!yay!!! WAIT . . .WAIT . . . sounds familiar!

Shelby-Grace said...

Cool phone! Love the orange!