Saturday, April 05, 2008


So I wanna know... What makes you a sucker?
For me it is music. I love music but it gets me. ALL THE TIME
When listening to a sermon I always feel connected to God but in worship I weep because the connection is so strong. It used to bother me because I thought "What is everybody thinking of me as I stand her in worship to our Marvelous God and cry uncontrollably" The tears are unrestrained as they run down my cheeks silently. It is usually the slow songs, you know the ones I am talking about! During the more upbeat times like The Enemy has been defeated song I am PUMPED and ready to take on the world with Jesus at my side. But slow it down and I'm a sucker, I just can't help it. Now I give in to it because that is what worship is about right? Who says you can't cry like a baby or jump and shout in jubilee for our great and wonderful savior. I dance my own jig to my own tune. Why? Because I can!
So at last I'm a sucker when it comes to music, What makes you a sucker?


Coby said...

I have to say that I'm a sucker for anything involving the mission field. That's the biggest one. Music comes second probably. I hate to admit it, but I'm also a sucker for romantic movies like Pride and Prejudice (one of my favs). I hate admitting it, but it's true.

Nathan said...

Music and visuals. Certain sounds and images just trigger something in me.

bryan vickery said...

when i'm in the Bible, and i learn something new about God. there have literally been times when i'll start clapping or dancing because 1.) it's exciting when God reveals Himself and 2.) i'm a nerd

Derek Chalfant said...

Man we need to do Shout Unto God again some Sunday. I'm a sucker for the times where we as musicians stop playing and all you hear are the voices of the congregation, I dig that.

Kristin said...

Don't worry, I'm a crier, too! Every time. I think people are fairly used to me by now, but I still get self conscious.