Saturday, April 05, 2008

Ok Already Ok

So it has been almost 1 hour since my last blog post.....are you wondering why I am posting again so soon?
An hour ago I sat out to start my papers (yes that is multiple) but I thought "Oh I'll do the blog thing first" so I did then I checked all my peeps blogs and now it is one hour later and I have yet to start my papers let alone finish them.
So here I go... one 3 page explication coming up on poetry and one 10 page paper coming up on some dead chick from the 1800's who only wrote one book.


Nathan said...

as soon as you get your mojo going, you'll be just fine!

Shelby-Grace said...

Who's the dead chick??

Keym said...

Emily Bronte is my dead chick, she wrote Wuthering Heights and some poetry. Her sister Charlotte was more famous she wrote Jane Eyre.

Shelby-Grace said...

Thanks! I have read Jane Eyre, but not Wuthering Heights. Let me know if it's worth the read:)