Sunday, September 13, 2009

HA....or something like that....Right?

Lets go back in time shall we?
A few years ago someone who we thought was becoming a friend of ours started spreading a vicious lie about Nathan and I. Of course it got back to us and it hurt. We made a few mistakes *side note Not anything major just a few little mistakes financially* and after we became Christ followers we decided to handle our situation the way God tells us to in the Bible. Well this person twisted our situation all around and made it 1 billion times worse than what it really was and made us look like big nasty losers. I never shared with that person how much their lie hurt us. I am a super emotional person and I think that the wound was too fresh to be able to handle it in a loving manner. I had enough dirt on this person to spread truths to hurt them but I didn't. Instead of being nasty and vicious back we chose to start distancing ourselves from them.
Lets jump back to present time eh?
I talked to this person today and KAZAM they are now in the same situation Nathan and I were in a few years ago (with a few differences). Now you see my mind and heart don't always operate on the same accord. In my mind I thought HA...OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT....RIGHT? but in my heart I was feeling pain for them. The situation they are in sucks there is nothing good about it. Logically I wanted to be like JUSTICE IS SERVED! WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND! NAN-E NAN-E BOO BOO! But my heart took over my brain and those thoughts were fleeting thoughts that I don't think I really had at the moment. I believe they were more of an after thought like "Hey shouldn't I have been all like BAM IN YO FACE"
I hurt for them, I have and will pray for them because learning from your mistakes just sucks sometimes and no one should get joy from watching you go through it.
So God has transformed me from the inside out (I'm still working on the outside part but you get my drift)
This post isn't about me, it is about God and the marvelous work he has and is doing!
I praise you God for all that you are and for loving me even when I suck.


Nathan said...

Coming to Christ together has been an amazing experience. I love watching you being transformed into the person He created you to be. He truly is a God of redemption and transformation.

Unknown said...

It's experiences like that that let's us know the holy spirit is working inside us.

Unknown said...

Vicki said-I am so proud of you that you let God rule in your life. Being hurt deeply is so hard to get over and satan uses that pain to keep us off balance. But God is great and loyal to His followers. I have found that if I ask God to fill me with His forgiveness for the person who has hurt me I heal much faster too. you are a good example of what God can do when we let Him.