Thursday, September 03, 2009

Lunch Date with another Man!?!?!?

That's right people, I had a lunch date with a man that is NOT my husband today.

It was lunch with the wonderful 2 year old Mr. Isaiah. I mean really have you taken a look at him? He is handsome, blond, big eyed, sensitive, full of conversation, and absolutely adorable!

I can't help it people this guy has got my heart wrapped around his little fingers ( I mean that literally. His fingers are tiny he is only 2)!

So look out Nate... I love you hunny but Isaiah is irresistible and he has carved out a spot in my heart for himself.

His wonderful mom joined us as well! Tacos = yum!


Melissa said...

Nate better watch out.....he is a real cutie!

Looks like a fun date!

Tonya said...

AWWWWW! I agree, he is a cutie!

Hey, I wanted to thank you for the extremely nice words you said on my blog. You are a WONDERFUL friend! Thank you, thank you. I would like to talk with you sometime.

Kristin said...

Hey, Kim!

Thanks for the comment. I haven't read the book yet, but I'm sure I will. I <3 Edward, so it would be hard to resist (although I think I would have picked a much different actor!).

As far as getting used to Michael being gone so much, we've been like this from the beginning. We worked opposite shifts when we were dating and then when I switched jobs I had a part-time job on the side, too, for a while. Then Michael went back to we're used to it. The main difference is that I used to have people to talk to. Now that I'm at home, I pretty much just have Seth. He's a pretty good listener, but you know, not much of a talker yet. I haven't met very many decent people since I've moved down here. I've been trying to get move involved with the church, but it's a big one and it seems like we somehow keep slipping between the cracks. It's just sort of frustrating...and lonely.

So you really need to tell me a little bit about yourself. Between your FB and blog I've gathered that you work at a bank as some type of "boss" figure and do cosmetology/hair on the side. And I see that you're very involved in church. That's awesome! It's so great to see young people really having a relationship with God. So many people miss out on that opportunity and then wonder why their lives "suck."

Anyway, I guess just give me a little summary about you and Nathan and how you're doing. It seems like you have a really interesting story to tell!