Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Who wrote this????

So I am confessing, but only to those of you who read my blog so don't tell. I have slacked majorly in the reading aspect of all of my classes. Financial Aid was crazy this semester and I was in to class for 4 weeks (yes 4 weeks) with out any books. Luckily the teachers were all aware of the financial aid issues so life was good.
Well I finally got my books and I was like "yuck!" that is a LOT of reading if you put it all together. I love reading but text book reading falls in a complete other category and it is not on my top 10 list.
I have been doing great! I have a perfect score in all of my classes. Don't ask I am just good like that sometimes :0) *just kidding just kidding, but I do have improve skillz*

Well it caught up with me. I took a quiz in Behavior Modification and got 100%. Now it is time for the first test over EVERYTHING we have read.

Sooooooooo now I MUST read 103 pages by Thursday so I can take the test. Not a big deal really but I am skipping class a different class tomorrow to attend growth group (for the 1st time this semester) and a meeting at my fantastico church. So I will not have a lot of time tomorrow and it is now 11:33 PM so.... get my drift.

Anyway to make a long story longer....

I was reading in my Behavior Modification Basic Principles by David L. Lee and Saul Axelrod Third Edition and I came across something I found humorous on pg 17.

~When someone turns on a light, for example, is that person adding light (positive reinforcement) or removing darkness (negative reinforcement)? The answer is unclear and unimportant.


Can someone please explain to me why if it was soooooo UNIMPORTANT then why in the world is that little diddy even in the book? Seriously yo! Did they have a word quota they had to meet or what?

hahaha David and Saul (;0) had a sense of humor


Unknown said...

I think they are just playing with your mind!

--V-- said...

Clearly someone with waaayy too much time on their hands!

Anonymous said...

I believe I'm like three, possibly four chapters behind in my reading for classes... yikes....