Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Maybe I am missing GG for a reason

So class was good tonight (Group Processing and Skills)
We had a girl join tonight that missed last week and she is a recovering Crystal Meth addict. She has an interesting story and her beliefs in God is, well interesting. So while she was talking I thought "Hum...we should talk" ...."Maybe this is the reason I am having to skip growth group on Wednesdays"
She is not a "case" I need to fix but merely a person I would like to get to know and engage in discussions about spiritual beliefs. After all if there is a Heaven then there is a Hell


--V-- said...

I'm pretty sure I need to chat with her as well. She's seems very interesting...

Shelby-Grace said...

Go Kimberly!!

Nathan said...

Just based on what you've told me about this woman, it sounds like she is searching for answers in all the wrong places, which is better than not searching at all. I think she's ripe for "God's pickin'" and He is going to use you in her life. I love watching you be a light in people's lives!