Thursday, September 04, 2008

I'm a JERK

So I love God, I believe in The Father, The Son, Jesus died on the cross, The way to the father... yada yada yada...
I dislike "Churchie people" you know the ones I'm talking about, quick to judge, say one thing then do another, gossip fools, etc....

Well I am one.

Not normally, only at work and only with one person.



This one person just knows how to hurt people, she plays nice while she is stabbing you with a 10" blade, then when you turn to her with horror and pain on your face to ask "Why" she feigns innocents. She is quick to toot her own horn and even quicker to kick you . She doesn't do her job and she likes to stir ......poo!
It has been like this FOREVER, everybody in the company KNOWS her and they shudder at her name.
I like a challenge, I normally try to rise up and understand why people do what they do.

I am sometimes too honest, I don't believe in "candy coating" things, I am not rude but when it needs to be said I normally say it. In a very polite way that can help us all start to solve the problem.

We were sitting at the break room table last January and I said ...well I said a lot of stuff very nicely and we decided together to bury the hatchet.

Alls good now RIGHT?


She moved on to the next victim, our entire branch is in constant turmoil when she is there and she is FULL time :0(

Well I had enough, I snipped, I snapped, I may have even been rude *oops*

Here is the trouble..... I don't feel bad about it.....I know I should but I don't....
I became the "churchie" person that makes people frown at God's house and his people, that's not what I want out of life it is just her...

Last night I was complaining about her and Nathan said "Do you love her"
I said "Well I don't hate her, isn't that enough?"
Nate: "Maybe God put her in your life so you could be a witness to her"
Me (exasperated): NO! He wouldn't do that to me.....SHA!


How do I start over with her A G A I N? I don't wanna... I don't I don't I don't
I feel that my bridge has been burnt and I was totally fine with that TOTALLY
I sometimes smile when I know that I "stuck it to her that day" (not literally, just not putting up with her poo that day and letting her know that I was on to her and her game) she had it coming right?!?!? Right?... No... no, no one "has it coming"

UGH.... why daddy why? Why do I let her affect me this way? I need to turn to God.

I know I know I know believe me I know


Sue said...

You too, huh?

I got a "thorn in my flesh" at work, too. Causes a lot of prayer to go up to heaven.

I don't want to be "churchie" person either. It is a struggle for me...

Nathan said...

Some people have a knack for bringing out the worst in us, but even those people are placed in out lives for a reason. If nothing else, you might be the first person to directly approach her about her behavior, which might one day lead to her making changes. Just remember, she might have been a jerk for a very long time, so making changes won't happen overnight, and you may never see the results, but if nothing else comes from you working with her, at least know that she will never be able to use the excuse that she is unaware of how she makes people feel or what she does wrong after working with someone as upfront as you.

I will be praying that God give you patience and love for this person, and that you are able to be a light in that environment.

Unknown said...

I have a friend who calls me every now and then and she always asks me the same question, "So, whats God been teaching you lately?" I'm not kidding, everytime she asks I guarantee you I'm going through some similar situation as you are and I realize that HE is trying to teach me something!

--V-- said...

Shoot. Thumbs down to innocence feigners! Given what I know about her, I think you've handled the situation rather well.