Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fool me once....

Fool me once shame on you, Fool me twice shame on me!

Do you ever have expectations for people only to be let down? I do. Not often but more than I should. I don't have expectations for everybody just a few. And it is a hard pill to swallow when they let you down.
I have often wondered if they would have let me down if I didn't have those expectations? After much thinking the answer is yes. You see we all have expectations of people even if we don't realize it. We expect mutual respect, it is just one of those things that is a given. You don't have to mention it "Oh by the way I expect you to respect me and I will respect you. Agreed?"
When your homies don't show you the mutual respect it stings.

And it may just be me but it seems to me that the people who let you down the most are the ones sucking up God's blessings. That sometimes makes me bitter. HEY LEAVE SOME FOR ME WOULD YA?
But the bible says in (my words) "Why should you care what blessing I am giving others? You should be happy for them.

So at last, you let me down big time but WWJD? God love ya- soak up those blessings! After all fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me.


Anonymous said...

Maybe the respect you are expecting from them is defined differently in their terms. You say fool me once, fool me twice, are they fooling you or are your expectations difficult to live up to? Maybe you are fooling yourself and it is easier to blame the other person? Maybe they evaluate life or decisions on a different basis than you. Just some things to think about.

Keym said...

Mo you are correct.
As always it is hard to really know what the situation is when you read it on a blog but I do agree that in some situations it would be a lot easier to blame the other person. However in this situation this advice doesn't relate. Expectations can be exceedingly difficult to live up to but when they are made clear you sometimes have to suck it up and live with it. I do not blame this person at all, I knew what I was doing and getting in too and I knew the possible outcome however it doesn't lessen the let down. Darn those high hopes and what not :0)