Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thank you

This is a THANK YOU to everybody that has ever served or is going to serve our country.

9-11 is a day that just may live in our lives forever, I can remember it like it was today. How sad, how simply sad.

The worst part is knowing that there is always more to the story than what "we" know.
People pop off at the mouth thinking they have it all figured out, ignorance. Ignorance is sad. People died that day, sometimes I just want to scream "SHOW SOME RESPECT AND KEEP YOUR TRAP SHUT!" but because we have people fighting for our right for freedom of speech, there is only so much we can do. It seems kind of like an oxymoron, people, good people have fought and still fight for our right to trash talk them.

I normally steer away from political and war talk. I am a born and raised Army brat and that is something that I am proud of. So I know that I tend to have a bit more passion about some of these issues than others and that is ok. If we all thought the same the world would be a boring place.


Unknown said...

I'm like you, a little uncomfortable talking about politics and war. I shouldn't be, my brother served in the Army and National Guard, my father served during the Korean conflict, and I had 7 uncles who served during WW II one giving his life when the SS Dorchester went down. Because of men and women like these we have the freedom to speak our opinions and vote for who we want, so why be timid I ask myself? Well...not any more...I plan to post about who I want for president simply because I have the freedom to do so.

Keym said...

Wow Milah! You go girl!!