Thursday, August 21, 2008

Yea! Skool!

So I went to Ivy Tech on my lunch break yesterday to meet with my advisor and 2 hours later I made it back to work!
I apparently am at the point in my schooling that it is getting harder for classes to be scheduled due to the fact that they are only offered during the day. Well I work at a bank and there is NO chance that they would let me have a few hours off one day a week for school. Nope sorry NO WAY. So it took awhile but we found 3 classes that I need that we could work into my work schedule.
I now have class Tuesday night, Wednesday Night and 1 online class. I was really bummed about the Wednesday night class since my Growth Group meets Wednesdays. It is only for 1 semester, it is only for 1 semester, it is only for 1 semester, it is only for 1 semester, it is......
Oh sorry I just have to keep reminding myself IT IS ONLY FOR 1 SEMESTER
I am only slightly freaking out about the 3 class thing. I know that a LOT of people have worked full time and went to school full time but last semester I did it with 2 classes and it was a handful with everything else but it is only for 1 semester.
So Behavior Modification, Intro to Psych, and Group something or another HERE I COME!


Mommy pfohl said...

I will be praying for you! That does sound like a complete load!

Kate said...

We're going to miss you on Wednesdays...guess that means we'll just have to hang out more often!

Tonya said...

I'm proud of you for sticking with the "school" gig. You won't regret it and I will pray for you. I think you are getting the same overwhelming feeling that I'm getting with having three kids soon! Can you pray for me too?

--V-- said...

Aw, yay school!! I'm glad you got all signed up :)

Keym said...

Thank you everybody for your prayers and YES we will have to hang more often....a lot more often. How about this upcoming holiday weekend. Cookout anyone? It would have to be at your house since we have no yard, and are not allowed to use a grill here :0) I'm all up for inviting myself! Tonya I will keep you in my prayers your gonna be a super mom to 3 great kids. Will has no choice but to be great since everyone else in his family is!!
It was getting to the point V that I thought I was going to need to take you up on your offer to help!!