Friday, August 15, 2008

Random -vs-

Shout out to Cari Lott

So here are some random thoughts

Bar soap -vs- Body Wash Body Wash
Bar Soap gives me the squeaky clean feeling and sound however it is harder to use with the bath pouf thingy and I like the pretty colors

Body lotion -vs- Body Cream Body Cream
I feel lotion breaks down to easily I like the "creaminess" of the cream

Bottled Water -vs- Tap Water Bottled Water
Need I say more? Ok... there are Amoeba's in Tap Water

Rice Milk -vs- Regular Moo Cow Milk Rice Milk
There is no harming of Moo Cow's in the making of Rice Dream and it has a nice vanilla twist

Ketchup -vs- Mustard Mustard
Ketchup is only good in a mild dose on McDonald's fries and ONLY when they are hot

Old Skool Dental Floss -vs- Reach Dental Floss Reach Dental Floss
I have a child's size mouth (literally) and reach well.... Reaches!

Socks -vs- Barefoot SOCKS
Naked feet rarely occur on me Socks are in my top two favorite things

Figuring out a video game while playing -vs- Letting your husband beat it and talk you through it Letting my husband talk me through a game he has already beaten
Some games are just hard and it takes the frustration out of it for me if the expert has already mastered it *Note* this is not on all games

Going to the movies -vs- Renting Movies Going to the Movies
Newer, better sound, out of the house

Blogging -vs- twittering Blogging
Twittering cost me $57 last month OOOPS!

Swimming pool -vs- Ocean Swimming Pool
It is safer and in most cases cleaner but for viewing and sound purposes Ocean all the way

Hot -vs- Cold Cold
I like hot weather however I like wherever I am at inside to be 66*

Soup -vs- Stew Stew
Stew just screams hardy


Nathan said...

You are adorable!

Tonya said...

I agree with you on most things except the video game one and the ocean one. I like to figure out video games, Lucas and I spent quite a long time getting through the Indiana Jones game and it was so fun! As for the ocean, COME ON! The ocean is far better than a little swimming pool. I guess I feel strongly about this becuase I have lived by the ocean. You should try it sometime! Only you need to be a millionaire!

Keym said...

One millionaire coming up! I do love the ocean but you can see what's in the pool and you don't have to worry about getting sand in unmentionable places :0)
Some video games I like to beat on my own and others I like to watch Nathan play and help him figure out the tricky parts but really hard ones like Tomb Raider and Buffy the Vampire Slayer it is all help from Nate!

Cari said...

I love the random -vs-! My favorite one...definitely Stew over soup...why mess around with a watery broth, bring on a good hearty stew.

Keym said...

Can I get an AMEN Cari!?