Wednesday, August 27, 2008

It's official

It's official... Summer is finally over.

1-The other morning I was on my way to my car and the air was actually chilly.

2- School Started

3- When I got out of class at 8:50 pm it was dark :0( I remember summer days, still daylight at 9:30 pm

4- People are staring to wear jackets and sweatshirts (weirdo's) ;0p

5- Summer clothing is now on the clearance rack

6-Tammy is pumped for some fall cooking

So school.... I think it is going to be good but please don't quote me on this, for you see later in the semester I may change my mind. I had GROUP PROCESS AND PRACTICES (How to Group Therapy) tonight. It is a small class. Eight people were signed up and only five of us showed up. We are all pretty laid back, except for one. THERE IS ALWAYS ONE! Tell me why? I really want to know. We were discussing with our teacher her grading scale. She says a 93-100 is an A. Ivy Techs grading scale is 90-100 is an A. So casually I bring it up and we engage in discussion. I showed her the syllabus from my Tuesday night class which clearly states Ivy Techs grading scale is 90 not 93. She said "Oh well I have been using this one for years I did not realize it changed"
So we all thought....
He decides to say that some of his professors use 93% "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH"
My thoughts are "So stinking what! This is not your other professors from years past this is 2008 and the grading scale is 90% not 93% She is going to make the switch so shut your piehole :0) Of course I did not say that and I should probably ask for forgiveness but COME ON! If it isn't broke DON'T FIX IT. Really what it boils down to is that he just likes to talk and be the center of attention. No I am not being mean, he admitted it.
One of those people that always has a comment on everything...yuck.
I did like the class, when she was teaching it was very informative.
I am still worried about my schedule though so please keep me in your prayers.
*side note he is a nice guy he just needs to relax and realize people can get to know him better if he stops trying so hard
P.s. have I ever told you guys how much I love the fall? Cuz I do!


Shelby-Grace said...

We had a 93-100 grading scale for an A at college and it was not fun! Oh how I wished for the 90-100! I hope your class goes well. The small ones can be the most fun, yet hard too when you have "challenging" people in them to deal with :) I'm sure you'll do great!

Oh, and I have learned a lot from your blog so please don't entertain the idea of stopping it. Your honesty and candidness is what I like the most about it!

Nathan said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed the class. You're right the really is "always one" in every class!!!