Monday, August 25, 2008

Baptism anyone?

So Nathan and I have been enjoying FFC for 3 years now! Can you believe it?
The time has literally flown by. I love FFC and all the wonderful people I have grown closer to in these 3 years.
Now when we were little Nathan and I were both were baptized, but that was when we were little. So our first year at FFC I remember PK talking about the church picnic and baptism. I really wanted to proclaim my love and commitment to Jesus Christ but at the time I was still at a job that I had to work on Sunday's so I could not go that year.
Last year I think we were out of town....
This year we made it.
It was such a special moment for Nathan and I. I got to be baptized by PK who I consider a good friend and Pastor Jeff who I am growing closer to every week. As I was leaving the lake PK asked if I wanted to join Nathan for his baptism. So we headed back into the water together and then PK offered to let us do something he has never done before. He and Jeff baptized Nathan and I together. It truly was an unbelievable experience to get to share with my husband.
You see PK married Nathan and I on October 21, 2006 at FFC and he was the one to baptize us on August 24, 2008, maybe in 2010 he can do our baby dedication? I guess we will just have to wait and see ;0)
So I kind of feel like Nathan and I were married again by being baptized together. Thanks PK for another great ceremony!


Nathan said...

"I Do . . . again."

Unknown said...

It was really nice for Jack and I to share that day with you!

And I agree, it was nice being baptised with your husband!

Emily said...

i'm so happy that i got to share such a great experience with flat out AWESOME people! you and nate really are an inspiration to me as a young christian. it's great to see two people my age love God and each other as much as you two

Emily said...

i'm so happy i got to share such an awesome experience with FANTASTIC people. you and nate are an inspiration to me. it is so great to see people my age love God and each other as much as you do!

--V-- said...

I'm very excited for you guys. It sounds like it was very special.

(Sidenote: sorry for one of the delays! I'm pretty sure the baptism took place during on the same day as my graduation...gosh! Two years ago!)

Scrappy Girl said...

Hi! I haven't visited your blog in a while and thought I would during some blog surfing.

What a beautiful ceremony that must have been. Very sentimental and special.

Tonya said...

It was so neat to see you both being baptized together. You guys have such a special relationship and that is a huge testimony to the rest of us!