Saturday, August 16, 2008

New Addition to the family!

Nathan and I had a very relaxing day. The first one in a long long time. It seems that we always have something to do. We finally moseyed out of the apartment around 7 p.m. We went to Pet Smart and used our Scrip card we bought for there. We were very wise shoppers tonight. We had $25 to spend. Our current fish "Kitty" is large and in charge, we recently upgraded his tank to a bigger size but we have yet to purchase any friends to keep him company since he is so large we thought it would be nice for him to have some room to him self. Well since we have been busy we have neglected his tank for a bit. I have 2 magnetic scrappers and can not find either one so tonight we bought a new magnetic scraper with a fancy handle and a bubble stone that is round and super sweet to liven up his environment and a new friend for him. We were worried about kitty eating a new fish since Kitty is so LARGE. The pet smart guy said "Well it is possible you just have to try it and see" So I picked out a cute goldfish that is white with bits of orange and we brought him home. Throw in a jug of cat nip and we still have $1.52 left on our card.
I get home and clean and spruce up the tank with the new additions while letting the new fish adjust to the tank temp in his bag. Kitty was fine he never showed any signs of aggression to the new kid. So after a bit, hoping I was not going to be an accomplice to murder, I released "Fido" in the tank. It was touch and go for a minute as kitty was getting to know Fido. His mouth is bigger than Fido. But they are getting along splendidly. We will see in the morning if we still have a new addition to the family or if he disappears!?!? I did feed Kitty first just in case.....
To give some of you an idea of the size of Kitty and Fido
Kitty is bigger than a cash bill like a $5 and Fido is smaller than a quarter! Here's a picture, notice the itty bitty fish in the background that would be the new addition Fido!

1 comment:

Mommy pfohl said...

WElcome to the family fido!