Thursday, March 27, 2008


I am enjoying my 1/2 day of work since I have to work on Saturday!
Today's List
Lunch with a Handsome Man
Upgrade Nathan's phone to a Black Chocolate (ooohhh and aaahhhh)
Dermatologist @ 3
Call Lane Bryant and figure out the exchange policy (Pants too big :0)!)
Go and sign our amended lease at 5:30
Listen to Made to Love by Toby Mac
Finish cleaning my house
Cut JMe and her sisters hair when they get here
Update blog
Try to work on some homework
Determine what I want to do with the rest of my life
Take a shower
Moisturize and get some sleep

What about you? What does your Thursday look like????


Scrappy Girl said...

Wake up at 7:15
Get kids off to school and hubby off to work
Feed babies and turn on Dora
Step on scale, pass out over number, step on again and realize something was wrong the first time (Thank goodness)
Eat breakfast
Dress self and babies
Take babies to Mommy and Me
Library (closed for council meeting and I wanted to break in to get my reserved copy of "Dan in Real Life")
Come home and take short nap
Check computer
Kids come home
Straighten house and do laundry
Fix dinner
Put kids to bed
Watch TV and chat with hubby
Go to bed

--V-- said...

Today I'm going to Carlos O'Kellys Mexican Cafe with 2 of my BFFs.

Kris Sorensen said...

My day looked like a blur.