Saturday, March 01, 2008

Check us out, High School BABY! Today is our 9 year anniversary. I remember it vividly, Nathan and I had been on the phone ALL day and it was getting time to wrap it up and head to bed because we had school the next day. That's when the magic happened! Nathan asked me if I would be his girlfriend, I told him I would have to call him back. Like any reasonable girl I hung up and called by best girlfriend. Lindsay Tingley said in a crazy excited high pitched voice "OMG! You have to call him back and tell him you changed your mind, besides you will have started dating on March 1st that is WAY better than March 2nd! Realizing she knew what she was talking about I did what any girl would have done and I called him back and told him I had changed my mind and that he should ask me again.... so it wouldn't be "weird" tomorrow at school. So he did and I said yes and `Voila the rest is history, we got married October 21, 2006 and we are living happily ever after! And no I did not have him ask me to marry him twice! :0)


Kris Sorensen said...

Happy 9 year anniversary!

--V-- said...

Two thoughts:

1.I feel really old. Nine years! Ojala!
2.You guys look really pale in that picture. (I didn't say they were insightful thoughts!).