Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Um Yeah...

Do you ever look at something and think "Um, how did this happen?"

That's where I am at tonight with our linen closet.

We do have a crazy amount of towels, wash rags, sheets and blankets but I am pretty sure that at some point I had that entire thing organized.

I spent 3 hours today at our laundry mat catching up on laundry, at one point a woman who had been in and out said "Your a trooper I'm here to tell ya"

It wasn't just our normal clothes, I had to wash towels and sheets too. We have our own washer and dryer, however our apartment is not equipped to hook them up so boo for us we have to use the laundry mat. A what's with people not cleaning out lint traps? "Um Y.U.C.K I really don't want to touch your lint. You take care of yours and I'll take care of mine. Thanks."

Nate conked out early tonight and I stayed up. I was getting ready to go to bed and I decided to put away the sheets and towels. I opened my linen closet only to stand there confused for an undetermined amount of time going "Um, yeah. How did this happen?"

There were sheets (not folded precisely as they once were) on the towel shelf and the blanket shelf looked pretty skimpy and other misc. things were strewn about here and there. I took out the sheets that were messy, they are going to take more than a minute to fix and reorganized my towel shelves.

Laundry is put away, homework is done and I am going to bed to read some more of New Moon.

So have you ever had some "Um...yeah, how did this happen?" moments?

1 comment:

--V-- said...

1. This new layout is BEAUTIFUL!! I may or may not have to steal it eventually!!
2. Linen closets have a way of getting chaotic. They do it very sneakily...In a moment of panic, I had to redo my bathroom closet. Apparently my make up decided to explode everywhere. So yeah. I feel you.