Monday, December 15, 2008

Life Lesson #231

I went to Ivy Tech today to register for spring semester classes.

Wait hold up let me give you some back story......

I went to 3 different High Schools by my sophomore year. I started in one, my parental units got a divorce so I moved to another school with my dad. In the second school I was taking all AP classes. I passed all of my classes with fantastic grades. End of freshman year I high tailed it to Indiana to be with my mom. What I thought I wanted and what I really wanted were two different things so back to mom I went. *Props to all mom's out there in blog land*
When I got to Indiana they told me that based on the state requirements I would loose all my credits from my freshman year. After much fighting the generous Winchester Community High School decided I could keep my semester credit of Government.
Wasn't that nice?
Anyway they pulled every single credit I had with the exception of Government because at the time in Indiana as a high school student you were REQUIRED to take the basics: Algebra I, Biology I, Earth Space Science, etc... in high school. It did not matter that I had passed the advance placement classes.
*Side Note*
I would just like to point out if someone can pass AP Bio 2 then I am pretty sure they have Bio 1 in the bag. Ya feeling me?
So long story short I crammed 4 years of High School into 3 years and I went from graduating with honors to graduating with a basic diploma (not even a core 40). My guidance counselor wasn't paying attention and 1/2 way through my second semester of my senior year she told me that I was a science credit short of core 40.
And science was my jam yo!
BSU said "NOPE! NO CORE 40 = NO BSU"
They kindly referred me to Ivy Tech.
Went to Ivy Tech and due to my high school scores they let me skip all of my pre-req's. WHICH IS WHAT BSU WANTED ME TO TAKE THERE!
I had a car wreck and took time off of school.

Flash forward to last semester

I decided to go back to school, I got signed up and student affairs would not let me in one of the classes I wanted to take because I had not met the pre-req's. *Yes the same pre-req's that they let me by pass*
She told me "You'll need to get copies of your high school transcripts....."
I said " have them"
She said "No, not likely"
Me "Yeah, yeah you do"
Her "I'll look but we don't keep them back that far"

I wait patiently until she comes back with MY FOLDER
She fixes it and I am in my classes.

Flash forward to this semester
I am finishing this semester and that means it is time to register for next semester.
Same thing. Student Affairs said I hadn't met the pre-req's and I needed a copy of my .......

Me: "You actually have them in a file back there"
Her (yes the very same person): "No, if we had them then they would have been transferred to our electronic files"
Me: "I had this problem last semester and they were in a file back there"
Her: "NO...if we had them they would...."
Me: "Yeah that was what was supposed to happen last semester..."
Her: "Hold on"

She comes back with MY FOLDER

Her: "I can't believe that they are still back here. Someone didn't do their job last semester. They should have put this in our system. I don't understand....blah blah blah blah"

She basically went on to trash who ever helped me last semester while glaring at me like I did something wrong.

When she finished I smiled ever so sweetly and said "Yeah that's what you said last semester when you helped me"

Her face dropped. She silently got up and went across the room and asked another person to upload me into the electronic filing system. When that was complete she signed off on my classes and I was on my way.

So LIFE LESSON #231 Don't trash other peoples work or lack of, it very well could come back to bite you on the rump!


Unknown said...

ROTFL! I'm sorry you had such a bad day. Trust me, someday you will laugh at this!

Mommy pfohl said...

LOL! That is a great life lesson Kimberly! I'll keep that in my pocket so I don't get bit in the rump! :) -Mindy

Kris Sorensen said...

That's classic!

--V-- said...

HAHA!! Can I get a cold snap???!!!

This is Me... said...

Nice...way to handle it with class!