Saturday, December 27, 2008

To blog or Not to blog? That is the question.

So I feel like I should blog...but I really don't have anything to say. So do I need to blog or do I not need to blog...
I really thought more people would like the Hands song, it's not necessarily about the video but about the words of the song.
Christmas was great, this was the 1st Christmas that Nathan and I were alone on Christmas morning!
My house is terrible, everything is disorganized right now.
Nathan has a touch of the flu or something related.
I am reading Breaking Dawn for the 2nd time.
We just got some more money for our missions trip!!!!
God has blessed me.
Today I finally realized what an amazing, wonderful, mighty God we serve. We pray and pray and pray and he does not always answer us the way we like but prayers are answered. It hit me today that I love him and worship him even when times are bad. No matter what, it is well.
*I've always known what kind of a God we serve and that no matter what we should praise him, but today I think that some things just fell into place for me*
It is well...

1 comment:

Sue said...


What an awesome insight into the love of the Father and our response to Him! So very glad that "it is well" with you!