Tuesday, July 15, 2008


The baby shower was great, only one minor set back and even that one eventually fixed it's self. So no complaints. It truly was awesome getting to work alongside JMe on this PaR-tA. Down side to the shower, I didn't get to take home any meatballs! What a crock :0)
I went out for a bachelorette party ONLY because they needed the "token Christan" there so everybody wouldn't get wasted. I really didn't want to go but I was roped in so I went. Got started later than usual and next thing I know my aunt and I were the only one's not drunk! GGGRRRRR even the pregnant chick was drinking! WHO DOES THAT?????? So I rained on every one's parade and refused to be nice. (I KNOW I KNOW not the best approach, I should show love blah blah blah) I had very few hours of sleep the night before and was wanting to go HOME to my husband, my bed, sleep, so I could get up and go to church on Sunday. Instead of getting home around 11 like anticipated I got home around 3 A.M. Grumpy you ask????? That is putting it mildly. I really needed to go to the alter and beg forgiveness and ask God to renew his spirit in me. I said some pretty hateful stuff that night, I started out being uncomfortable with the people. I have never fit in with them for a reason, then I got angry. Under no circumstance should you EVER drink when you are carrying another life inside of you. I guess she thought I am not even showing so it will be ok. THAT IS THE WORST TIME TO DAMAGE YOUR UNBORN CHILD! Anywho being stranded in INDY with drunk people I don't particularly like is not my idea of fun. Then on the way home I got to hear about what losers cops are and how they are "picking" on them. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I was grumpy so I thought "Why not engage in a battle of wits with these "fine" people? I like to think I won :0) Seriously though... don't give cop's a reason to "pick" on you and they won't (What an amazing idea)... who knew doing drugs, abusing your children, ya know just breaking the law was not something you are supposed to do. I am not complaining though, PROMISE. There is a silver lining to every dark cloud right? If I ever had an wavering thoughts about the way I live my life in Christ......I am now cemented to his will, his unknown plan, his word. THANK YOU JESUS


Nathan said...

I am so proud of you for not beheading any of those people ;o) I know how frustrating ignornace can be: Cops just 'pick' on me. I'm not drunk, I'm just clumsy when I drink. Drinking helps my stress and stress is bad for my baby, so drinking is good for my baby . . . GRRR!!! But I'm glad you went and showed them that it is possible to have a night out and not get bitzed and to speak without every other word being obscene ;o) Good job!

Tonya said...

I'm glad you stood up for that unborn baby! Maybe God had you there for a reason, even if it was to remind you that you are living your life to a higher standard.

Audra said...

You did better then I would have done!! I have been to leave people like that with just enough taxi cash to get them home! I know, I know, not very Christian. But sometimes, removing yourself from the situation is the best thing for all parties! =) You're a good person for sticking out!

--V-- said...

Ugh. Thumbs down to the pregnant woman indeed :( ick!