Thursday, July 03, 2008

2:09 A.M.

That's right folks it is 2:09 A.M. and I am still up because I just finished catching up on blogs! woohoo
Technically it is the 4th of July so.........Happy 4th everybody.

I have a lot I want to accomplish but have yet to do it: new blog layout, facebook, update my blog roll, twitter, etc... but the most important thing is telling you about my AMAZING husband.

Nathan went to New Orleans on a missions trip with some cool peeps from FFC. What you need to know is that Nathan has a fantastic ability to write songs, really meaningful songs from experiences. At our wedding reception he surprised me by singing a song he wrote about us. He has one song that I am sure could be a radio hit for secular music. Well he did not disappoint with this trip. I am so proud of him, he stepped out of all of his comfort zones to help others and grow in his relationship with God. From what I have heard from some of the other FFC Mission-goers ( I just made that word up :0) he made some really great friends. Well while meeting with complete strangers and getting to witness to them he came up with what I think is my favorite song of his. Please swing over to his blog and read the lyrics.
Nathan blessed our church last Sunday by singing his song in front of the entire congregation. It was simply wonderful, it brought tears to my eyes. Not just because he is my husband, incredibly sexy, great in so many ways, and fabulous at what he does but because the song was beautiful. He sang it while Nate (kates husband) played the guitar and harmonized. It was the Nate and Nate show. I know... it is just toooo cute they should go on the road. But as we have learned from previous posts I am miserable with out my loving husband. *side note... Nathan if you go the road please take me with you*
Anyway I did not get to stay in church for the whole sermon because it was my week to be in KidZone but I did go in late just so I could see Nathan perform his song. I may have a biased opinion because I love him so much but I personally think he was amazing. He really had God with him while he performed, no selfish self-promotion there just a man loving God and wanting to express all the emotions his mission trip created in him.
WAY TO GO NATHAN,you truly are an inspiration to all. I love you so very much and I am well beyond blessed to be able to call you my husband.

It is now 2:47 A.M. I had a fight with my computer and I have won for the moment so I am logging off fellow bloggers

1 comment:

Nathan said...

I might be blushing ;o) LUVU ;o)