Saturday, April 10, 2010

Wait a minute....

Today is Saturday and I'm off! Wooohooo
My husband volunteered to go help some friends of ours get their house ready to sell because they too are moving out west with us.
I have several parties to attend this afternoon but I am free this morning.
I am getting our apartment ready to move.

Wait a minute.....

Why is he helping them when our house still needs done?


It's all good. I've got time this morning and we don't have to sell our place, we just have to get out. Not to mention that the people he is helping spent an entire Saturday helping us clean out our storage unit when they had stuff to do at their house. If I didn't have obligations for this afternoon I too would be there helping out until it was time to go to The Branches for Threads.

Plus I can get rid of more stuff if he isn't around to say "We should keep that" :0p

Friends helping Friends = Good!

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