Monday, August 24, 2009

2 Jesus Points

A coworker of mine came back to work today. She took last week off because her oldest son was starting school for the very first time. *Sweet right?*
Today she is telling everyone we work with how she and her husband along with another couple plus one more male friend went to a strip club.
1. Why would you go?
2. Why would you tell other people you went?
3. Why would you go with another couple if you really felt you must go?
4. Wouldn't you be worried about your soul?
She was talking about how the other men were getting lap dances. Then she went on to brag about how she actually ENCOURAGED her husband to get a lap dance.
5. Morals aside...what woman in her right mind would encourage her husband to spend money on that?
She thought it was great because he wouldn't do it with her (his wife) there, he just had too much respect for her!
This is the chick that claims to be a "christian" you know the kind. Judgemental but is good on Sunday's sometimes attends church and not just on Christmas and Easter. Claims to love God but then turns around and talks trash about everyone, starts rumors and lets everyone know all about her sex life, all while ensuring she is the gossip queen.
I had a long conversation with her about her visit. I wasn't hateful but I really wanted to know where she was coming from. How can you claim to be a Christ follower and then proceed to turn your back on him all the time?
My other staff were encouraging her all laughing at her sick and disgusting story. I felt so alone in my office and thought "I have to get out of here"

Flash forward to a few hours later.

Another one of my employees comes in my office and we had a few words. There is something she wants and I won't give in (disclaimer: I have very good reason, I mean I am the boss so I must do what is right) and we talked it out. Our conversation ended up with me inviting her and her family to church. She is moving back in with her mom and will be living in Farmland. The conversation was like a breath of fresh air. It made me realize that I am where I am because God wants to use me. I can bleed God's love on my employees and hopefully that will be a breath of fresh air for them when they hear crap like the above story.

I have had many great conversations that were Christ centered with my employees but so often it seems like I am throwing seeds on the rocks, but today I saw where one seed just may have landed on the soil.
So PRAISE GOD, praise God for using me who is completely unworthy of him. I wish I knew the right thing to say to make everyone realize just what they are missing and that they would all TESHUVA.
My wonderful husband called and I told him about the day. He said "I'm proud of you baby, you just earned 2 Jesus points"
and to that I say "Nice"

Today made me think about The David Crowder Band's song Everything Glorious.
You make everything glorious
You make everything glorious
You make everything glorious
And I am yours
What does that make me?

1 comment:

Kris Sorensen said...

Thank you for not being ashamed of Jesus Christ!!!