Friday, January 16, 2009

The time has arrived...

We have to be at the church in just 7 hours. I am waiting patiently for Nathan to finish packing so I can pack. It is amazing how prayer helps so much. Thank you to everyone who prayed for us this week. I am as cool as a cucumber. Shout out to my homie Cobi- I so wish you were still going!
Everything just ya know fell together and tonight I am pumped. Pumped to be going, Pumped to be in Jamaica, Pumped that God is going to use ME, Pumped that I will develop stronger/new friendships with others, Pumped just pumped.
So goodnight for now, I will return to blog land sometime in February probably. I don't want to commit to blogging as soon as I get back. I think this is going to be such an amazing experience that I may need a little time to absorb it when we are back in Frigid Indiana! I must say impeccable timing with the weather...

Miss us while we are gone,


Sue said...

Let me be the first to welcome you back when you next get online here in blogland.

But for now, Jim and I are praying for you and Nate (and all the other members of the trip) to have an amazing time and that the Lord will use you as witnesses to his love and salvation! This part of the Lord's prayer keeps popping into my mind: "Your will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven." We know it is his will that none perish so my prayer is that he uses this mission trip of FFC to lead his children to him...

God Bless, Keym!

This is Me... said...

Can't wait to hear about your experience when you return. Take time to enjoy the beautiful location as well as all the relationships you will develop. Most of all - let God use your awesomeness!

Kate said...

Have a great time!