Monday, January 12, 2009

Pray please

So just a few short days away from Jamaica.
Ton's of people have been asking me "Are you getting excited?"
Seriously what am I supposed to say?
Don't get me wrong I am so fortunate and blessed to be able to go. I am looking forward to getting to do God's work. I just don't have the faith in myself. What if I fail? What if I say or do the wrong thing and have the exact opposite effect that God wants? I have NO clue how to build a house. NO PRESSURE THERE.
Also this week is overwhelming on my schedule.
Work, haircuts, haircolor, School started today, Growth group, Youth group, Getting the house in order and the pets settled for the next week, laundry, packing, dental appointment. All of this in a few hours in a few short days.
So yeah I am excited about Jamaica but right now my emotions are on OVERLOAD! I am sure once I am up in the air life will be good again, but until then would you please pray for me?


Tonya said...

I am praying for you right now Kimberly. Just think, you get to see the ocean soon while we are stuck here in the FREEZING weather!

Kris Sorensen said...

I hear ya'.
Looking forward to this mission experience with you and Nate.

Marggy Hensley said...

You betcha! May God's grace abound toward you this week. May you receive exactly the strength you need for each task and the ability to let go of that which is least important.

Sue said...

Big, deep, cleansing breath!

We are praying for you. Have faith in God and the fact that He will lead, guide and direct ALL your steps...leading up to and during the trip.

God Bless!

Derek Chalfant said...

You've been on the worship team long enough to know that some Sundays things are shakey at best but when the time comes everything seems to come together, I think the same will happen on your trip, it will all come together and you'll step back and say "Only God could have done that" which I think is exactly what will happen. You guys have fun and be safe & yest we will throw some prayers your way.

Nathan said...

You tend to hold your breath a lot, so remember to breathe. This will help.

This is Me... said...

Your have so surpassed "failing". You are listening to God's voice and going where he wants you to be...that's not failing - that's obedience. I know all the little details make it sound unimaginable, just focus on the reason you are going and you'll be fine.

By the way - I'm so glad you are part of the youth ministry team at FFC - Abby really enjoys spending time with the youth and I love that she has positive role models like yourself helping to guide her. THANK YOU!

Keym said...

Awe~ you guys all rock! Seriously after I posted this I started to feel better the very next day so thank you all. Here's to an amazing week working for God!