Thursday, May 22, 2008

Old Dog...New Tricks?

So today was just a day at work. Nothing too exciting, I did have security training though and now I want to be the security warden at work. Seriously people we work at a bank. We are a TARGET! Please for my safety and everyone else's, greet EVERY customer when they walk in the door. Let them know "Yes, I saw you I made eye contact with you, don't even think about it!" Ok,... so maybe that was a bit dramatic, let's try this again...... to let them know, "Hello Mr./Ms. Customer we do value your business and we will be right with you momentarily".....How was that?

People are just plain and simple lazy nowadays! Those kids! *hahahaha* I may or may not be getting old.
I watch day in and day out, they ignore the customers even when they are not doing anything! They have this philosophy you see. "If I just don't look up and acknowledge them then someone else will and I can still surf the water cooler" Now I must tell you that not everyone does this ya know, there are the amazing employees who do greet every customer and show them the service they deserve or not deserve, however you like to view it.

Now the funny thing is that the ones who do not greet and are lazy.... they are the older ones! They have kids and have been around the block awhile, ya think that they would have caught on to this gig by now. But at last I guess you just can't teach an old dog new tricks!


Nathan said...

Shoot . . . or preferably not, actually! ;o)

Be careful! I happen to love my personal banker!

Cari said...

I am not even in the customer service industry and I still love chatting strangers. I think if I go back to work sometime soon, I want a job being around lots of different people.

Anonymous said...

Esy, girl. Down! I got the same thing today. And yeah, you are right! We at least need to see them so they know we saw them...Did that make sense? Oh, and can I deduce from previous jibberish that you do not want to kill your ABs?