Friday, February 22, 2008

To do or not to do...... THAT is the question!!!!

How many of you have tried to find deep guidance from the all mighty magic 8 ball?? During my childhood I relied on the wisdom of the magic 8 ball a lot, well at least until I kept getting "Ask again later" What was that all about anyway???? I had dinner with a friend tonight who works at "another" institution and for some time she has been trying to get me to convert to the blue side and I always think about it however I never take any action, until tonight! I am actually thinking about taking a "CLOSER" look into what team blue can offer me. It just seems too good to be true. I like being a big fish in my current pond and the thought of being just a wee fish in a great big pond makes me weezy. However Change is Good For You :0) For the first time I am going to place this particular issue in God's hands. He will give me the guidance I seek, unlike the magic 8 ball. How often do we seek guidance and comfort from the wrong thing, instead of seeking it from God? It is clear where we should get it from but why do we make it so hard to do sometimes?


Kris Sorensen said...

Team Blue???? Are you going to work for the Colts!?! I'm not God but I say, "Go for it"... can I have tickets?

Seriously, I like your approach and your chances with God a whole lot more than the 8 ball.

Mommy pfohl said...

Hey girl! I didn't know you had a blog! =) Well, guess who's checking in now! AND, I'm honored! I'm on your list! I will be praying for you for wisdom. God will give you peace of mind and direction! Night!